Marriage equality advocates have hailed today’s decision by the ALP to support same-sex marriage, with Australian Marriage Equality National Convener, Alex Greenwich, saying:
“The momentum towards achieving marriage equality is unstoppable”.
Mr Greenwich said a major obstacle to reform has been removed thanks to the efforts of tens of thousands of ordinary Australians.
“Today is a day of celebration for those ordinary Australians – gay and straight, young and old, city and country – who have called out for equality and had their voices answered”, Mr Greenwich said.
“We are disappointed Labor MPs have been given a conscience vote but the momentum for change is unstoppable because marriage equality is an issue which resonates with fundamental Australian values like fairness and inclusion.”
“A major obstacle to reform has been removed and we are prepared to face the new challenge we have been given of achieving reform with a Labor conscience vote.”
Mr Greenwich said there is more support for marriage equality in Coalition ranks than many people believe and called on Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott, to allow a conscience vote.
“Marriage equality is not about left versus right, it is about love and commitment, which are values we all hold dear.”
For more information contact Alex Greenwich on 0421 316 335.
Leading marriage equality advocates will respond to the outcome at Press Conference to be held outside the convention centre, details below:
When: 12.15pm, Saturday 3 December, 2011.
Where: Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour (at main entrance, at rear of Harbourside Shopping Centre).
Alex Greenwich (National Convenor, Australian Marriage Equality)
Simon Sheikh (National Director, GetUp)
Dr Kerryn Phelps and Jackie Stricker-Phelps (fmr President, Australian Medical Association)
Carl Katter (Brother of Bob Katter MP and gay rights advocate)
Sandy and Louise Miller (guests for GetUp AME dinner with PM)
Julian Shaw (star of “It’s Time” video)
Shelly Argent (Spokesperson, Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays)
Rodney Croome (Campaign Director, AME)