by Alex Greenwich | Jun 27, 2011 | Australian news, News
Labor same-sex marriage advocates have warned Julia Gillard not to stand in their way ahead of the party’s December national conference. Western Australia Labor became the latest branch of the party to back marriage equality, at its state conference on Saturday....
by Alex Greenwich | Jun 27, 2011 | Australian commentary
Kerryn Phelps writes: The scenes outside the Stonewall Inn after the announcement that the New York Senate had passed the legislation to enable marriage equalitycould have not been more different to the riot that gave Stonewall its reputation as the epicentre of the...
by Alex Greenwich | Jun 26, 2011 | Australian news, News, Overseas commentary, World news
Across the country and around the globe, the news of New York’s legalization of gay marriage dominated the wires. The impact of the Empire State’s vote was felt in newspapers like the U.K. Telegraph, who predicted that the news “will be the cause of huge...
by Alex Greenwich | Jun 26, 2011 | Australian news, News
The West Australian Labor party’s support for same-sex unions shows there is unstoppable support for gay marriage, the Australian Greens say. The West Australian Labor Party passed a motion supporting same-sex marriage at its state conference on Saturday,...
by Alex Greenwich | Jun 25, 2011 | AME media releases, News
The West Australian ALP State Conference has passed a motion calling on the ALP National Conference to support same-sex marriage. The motion had the backing of ALP State leader, Eric Ripper. Similar motions have been passed in Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia,...