by Alex Greenwich | Apr 21, 2011 | Australian commentary
In this ironic article, Tim Dunlop responds to an anti-equality article by former federal minister, Barry Cohen: For as long as I can remember I have supported the legalisation of gay marriage. For me it had always been a fairly straightforward issue of equal rights....
by Alex Greenwich | Apr 21, 2011 | Australian news, News
MPs in Perth and around Western Australia are hearing one overwhelming message from their constituents – “we don’t want same-sex couples to marry.” Out in Perth recently discovered their local Senators and Members of Parliament in the Australian Labor Party, Liberal...
by Alex Greenwich | Apr 20, 2011 | Australian news, News
A loophole in federal laws passed under John Howard could allow states and territories to pass laws to allow gay marriage, ACT Chief Minister Jon Stanhope says. The Australian Greens have introduced to parliament a bill that would overturn a federal veto on laws...
by Alex Greenwich | Apr 20, 2011 | Australian news, News
Gay marriage advocates, who were “snubbed” by the Prime Minister and heckled by police outside Luna Park last week, were “just happy to be there”, a local member of the group said. Cremorne resident and proud gay man Nathan Thomas said the demonstrators wanted a...
by Alex Greenwich | Apr 20, 2011 | Australian commentary
In this article, Benjamin Riley looks at religious attitudes to marriage equality in Australia: While Australian politicians often cite religious views as a reason not to support marriage equality, new research from the Public Religion Research Institute in the United...