Couples will stay together regardless

COUPLES such as Legana’s Chelsea Bullock and Katrina Pollington will still be together, whether there’s gay marriage equality or not. The two yesterday rallied for marriage equality in Civic Square alongside members and supporters of Launceston’s gay...

MP under fire for opposing gay marriage

An Upper House MP under fire for opposing gay marriage says she respects voters’ right to protest against her position. About 40 people gathered outside the Glenorchy electoral office of Elwick MLC Adriana Taylor to protest her vote. They say Ms Taylor’s...

Roxon silent on same-sex marriage states

TASMANIA is getting no hints from federal Attorney-General Nicola Roxon as its upper house considers an investigation into whether a state-based same-sex marriage law would be constitutional. Most of the Legislative Council members (MLCs) who voted against...

Call to step up gays’ battle

AN Upper House supporter of same-sex marriage has urged supporters of the Bill to move on. Rumney MLC Tony Mulder, who voted for proposed same-sex marriage legislation last month, has urged supporters to take their fight to other states. His calls come as Upper House...