by Carol Burger | Oct 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
Tasmanian’s Upper House is set to be the focus of national attention when it considers for a second time whether the island state can go it alone in legalising same-sex marriage. Independent MLC Ruth Forrest says she will bring on debate to resuscitate the...
by Carol Burger | Oct 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
In response to reports this morning which indicate the Abbott government intends to challenge the ACT marriage equality law in the High Court, acting director of Australian Marriage Equality, Ivan Hinton, said, “Based on the expert constitutional legal advice we have...
by Carol Burger | Oct 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
In a rare appearance since she was toppled from her Prime Ministership by Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard faced a big question asked by a small boy. At a Q&A style forum last night at Sydney Opera House, the kid needed a little boost to reach the microphone so he could...
by Carol Burger | Oct 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
ALP powerbroker Paul Howes has called on the party to enforce a binding vote to support same-sex marriage. But where does it fit in with the narrative of gay rights in Australia? Suddenly, it seems the Right faction of the Australian Labor Party has embraced gay...
by Carol Burger | Oct 3, 2013 | Uncategorized
LABOR frontbencher Penny Wong has expressed her preference that the ALP provide a binding vote on same-sex marriage, as both leadership aspirants reject a call by right-wing union leader Paul Howes that the party move further on the issue. Mr Howes, boss of the...
by Carol Burger | Oct 1, 2013 | Uncategorized
Australian Marriage Equality has assembled a panel of key influencers to discuss the future of marriage equality this Wednesday in Sydney. Media and Crews are welcomed to attend. The panel will include: Paul Howes, National Secretary, The Australian Workers’...