Attempt to fast-track gay vote stymied

Leader of the House Anthony Albanese has quashed an attempt by the NSW right to get a vote on gay marriage next week, by indicating he intends to speak. Labor backbencher John Murphy yesterday called for a vote before Parliament rises for the winter break next week....
Gay marriage vote months away, says Albanese

Gay marriage vote months away, says Albanese

JULIA Gillard’s chief parliamentary tactician Anthony Albanese has slapped down a bid for swift consideration of a bill to allow gay marriage. The Leader of the House told the Australian Online today that the vote was months away, not weeks. Continue...

Pro-gay marriage MPs get hate mail‎

FEDERAL MPs advocating same-sex marriage have received a barrage of hate mail, including accusations they are supporting sexual dysfunction and taking away free speech. Several MPs from all sides of politics, including senior ministers Penny Wong and Anthony Albanese,...

Equality the message of 2012 Mardi Gras

Some wore sparkly costumes, some wore uniforms and others wore pretty much nothing at all, but all those who took part in this year’s gay and lesbian Mardi Gras were united by one message – equality. Organisers say more than 9,000 people marched in this...