by Jen | Jul 3, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, Australian news, News
Marriage equality advocates have responded to Senator Eric Abetz’ criricism of a Hobart City Council motion in support of marriage equality by asking him to show respect for how strongly the issue is supported by Hobart residents. National Director of Australian...
by Jen | Jul 2, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, News, Uncategorized
Marriage equality advocates have cried foul over Tony Abbott’s claim that the cross-party marriage equality bill may not come to a vote any time soon because it is a private members’ bill. Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome,...
by Jen | Jul 2, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, Australian news, News
Marriage equality advocates have hit back at critics of the cross-party bill unveiled yesterday. Government whip, Andrew Nicolic, has said there are higher priorities including the economy and Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has labeled it an ambush, and Senator...
by Jen | Jul 1, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, Australian news, News
Marriage equality advocates have welcomed reports a cross-party marriage equality bill will be introduced into parliament in early August and go to the Coalition Party for debate on a free vote on August 18th. It is reported that a cross-party bill co-sponsored by...
by Jen | Jun 27, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, Australian news, News
With marriage equality achieved across the United States, America’s largest marriage equality advocacy group, the Human Rights Campaign, has launched a campaign to focus world attention on the lack of marriage equality in Australia. The Human Rights Campaign has...