by Jen | Jan 6, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, News
Call on Abbott to adopt Bush’s “even handed” approach. Australian marriage equality advocates have welcomed the first marriages of same-sex couples in the US state of Florida and called on Tony Abbott to adopt the “even-handed” approach...
by Jen | Jan 4, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, News
Marriage equality advocates want Luke Foley to meet same-sex couples and their children so he can hear for himself why marriage equality matters. Mr Foley, a committed Catholic due to be made NSW Labor leader tomorrow, has previously voted against allowing same-sex...
by Jen | Dec 22, 2014 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, News
Advocates will seek a meeting with new health minister, Susan Ley, to outline the link between exclusion from marriage and poorer mental health outcomes. Australian Marriage Equality national convener, Rodney Croome, said, “We congratulate Sussan Ley on her...
by Jen | Dec 18, 2014 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, News
A Melbourne same-sex couple, who were the first in the world to be married under Scotland’s equal marriage law, have been congratulated by the Scottish Parliament. Douglas Pretsell and Peter Gloster were congratulated in a motion before the Scottish Parliament...
by Jen | Dec 18, 2014 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, News
With just a week to go in Australian Marriage Equality’s Pozible fundraising drive, leaders from across the political spectrum have joined to offer an exciting range of new rewards for donors. Rewards include lunches with key Australian political figures like...