by Jen | Oct 27, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, Australian news, News
Advocates have welcomed a new poll showing support for a plebiscite on marriage equality plummets by 24% when voters realise how much it could cost. An Essential Media Poll released today found 43% support for a national vote on marriage equality when voters know it...
by Jen | Oct 23, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, Australian news, News
Advocates say marriage equality research dispels concerns about concerted opposition to the reform among migrants living in Australians. Earlier this week, Liberal Senator, Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, told the Press Club marriage equality “would raise strong...
by Jen | Oct 21, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, Australian news, News
Marriage equality advocates say a plebiscite on the issue must by “fair and uncomplicated” and say their focus continues to be on building support in parliament. News reports indicate the Government may be considering passing legislation in this term of...
by Jen | Oct 14, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, Australian news, News
Advocates says it vital key stakeholders are consulted about the way forward on marriage equality following reports that Liberal MP, Warren Entsch, wants his Party to consider “an alternative course” to the current proposal of a plebiscite after the...
by Jen | Oct 12, 2015 | AME media releases, Australian commentary, Australian news, News
The Australian marriage equality campaign has been reinvigorated with the recruitment of high-profile political campaigner, organiser and strategist, Erin McCallum (photo below). The move comes as AME develops plans to win majority support in parliament in the lead up...